On-Prem GitLab PR Integration: "Invalid url given"

    The problem

    You select pull request integration, then GitLab, advanced settings, and populate the API Token, Gitlab URL, and the code scene URL. 

    When you hit save configuration it replies with, Update webhooks failed: Invalid URL given.

    The resolution

    Double-check that your CodeScene instance and your GitLab instance are allowed to communicate with each other at the network level (review your firewall settings).

    On top of that, there's the /admin/application_settings/network setting in GitLab which you may need to update: 

    • You can re-enable the 'local network' URLs by going to /admin/application_settings/network (logged in as admin) and enabling Allow requests to the local network from hooks and services under Outbound requests.


    - https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/25867

    - https://forum.gitlab.com/t/enabling-local-network-webhooks-issue/29985