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CodeScene Support Hub
Support Hub Walkthrough
Release Notes
What to check if you cannot log in with a license?
How to cancel my CodeScene Cloud subscription?
I receive an error when logging into Codescene using Azure AD
Why is my initial analysis taking a long time?
How to deploy CodeScene On-prem?
How to update Credit Card details?
How to upgrade CodeScene On-prem?
Analysing different branches of the same Git repository with CodeScene
How to enable OKTA Single Sign-on (SSO)?
How do I delete my CodeScene account?
Guidance for smooth performance of CodeScene server
What is the latest On-Prem version?
How to analyze private repos owned by the GitHub organization I'm a member of?
SonarQube Integration error
How to enable Software Portfolio for On-Prem?
Azure PR integration FAQs
How to invite members to your organization?
Concurrent Analysis Runs
Exclusions in CodeScene
Adapt Code Health to your coding standards
Team-Code Alignment scores
Code Health scores
Knowledge Distribution scores
Why I still don’t see the Team-Code Alignment graph after updating teams?
What is considered unplanned work?
On-Prem GitLab PR Integration: "Invalid url given"
No git repositories found under your given directory
Where can I find the logs?
What does commit pattern "none" mean?
Reusing a Teams/Developers configuration
On-Prem: recommendations for setting up external database
Why do not all users show up when adding them under groups?
Examples of Code Health Quality Issues
Supported Git Hosting Providers
What user roles are required to generate a PDF report?
How to change the Git account making PR comments?
What are Refactoring Recommendations?
Deployment & System Requirements
Performed Refactorings: Explained
How can I share my account with my colleagues?
Minimize Developer On & Off-boarding risks
Supported Programming Languages
CodeScene’s 4 Factor Dashboard
How to raise a feature request?
How to handle a timeout error during PM analyses?
How to find Retrospective Analysis?
Support for self-hosted GitLab
Account creation Invalid email error - CodeScene On-prem
Changing ticket ID mapping
Access Denied Error while enabling PR integration (Azure)
Error when inviting someone to CodeScene Cloud
Organizing Teams/Developers - terminology explained
CLI Tool - Authentication methods
Code coverage plugin error
Project Limits for CodeScene Cloud Trial Accounts
How to activate an On-Premise license?
How to Clear All Browser Cache or for specific site?
PR integration fails due to an invalid OAuth token
The SonarQube project not accessible error
The Backstage plugin
On-prem trial activation issue
OAuth2 - What to check when updating a client's secret keys?
The utilization of offline mode
How do I view a list of my active authors?
Best practices for working with pull requests
How to install the CLI Tool?
How to convert your Individual Account to an Organizational Account
Active Authors FAQs
How to add a self-signed certificate?
The CodeScene's approach to test code vs application code
Error when customizing the certificate
IP Addresses used by CodeScene
Ticket ID Pattern does not match Jira tickets
Explanation of the "Map commit to Pull Requests Issues" option
Installing SonarQube/Code Coverage plugins when using JAR
Is it possible to add developers to multiple teams?
How to delete the project?
FAQ PR Integration - GitLab
Re-authorizing CodeScene Repositories application
How is Code Health Calculated?
The codescene docker image: change of the codescene user UID and group GID
How to delete a repository?
Using CodeScene's REST API - On prem
How to create and use Personal Access Tokens in CodeScene?
How to solve the License Limitations Exceeded issue?
How do you disable email notifications for PRs?