Re-authorizing CodeScene Repositories application

If you noticed that you are not able to see your repositories, when trying to add a project for example, maybe you need to reauthorize our CodeScene OAuth Application.

One way to do it is to revoke the current grant in the settings of your Git provider:

  • BitBucket:
    • Personal Bitbucket Settings -> App Authorizations:

  • GitHub:
    • Settings -> Authorized OAuth Apps:

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  • GitLab:
    • Profile icon -> Edit profile -> Applications -> Authorized applications

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  • Azure DevOps:
    • Go to:
    • Manage authorizations -> Authorizations:

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After doing this, please:
  • Log out,
  • Log in again,
  • Try to add a new project - by clicking on the Add new project button.
  • You will be asked to Grant access to your repositories - please do it: